Welcome to Our PTA News Communicator

Building Bridges to Success in our School, Our Homes, and Our Community.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Frolic Dance

Hello Parents,
P.S. 161 will be hosting a 'Fall Frolic Dance".  According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Frolic means to be full of fun or merry.  So we know this will be a Fun event for our children.  This will take place on:

Friday, Octber 28th, 2011 in two segments according to the grades.
Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grades will take place at 3:30-5pm in the Cafeteria
3rd, 4th, & 5th grades will take place at 5:30-7pm

The event cost for each child is $7.00 which includes pizza,drinks, and Lots of Fun!!!!!
Children may wear costumes to the dance but no masks, weapons or accessories.  No Exceptions!!

                Only Children from PS 161 May Attend

Mr. Johnson is requesting for Volunteers to assist at the dance, please check the box on you left and let our Parent Coordinator or main office know . Thank you

Community for Change Rally

This Rally will take place in front of Park West H.S. at 5:30 pm Today 10/26/11 to oppose the cuts and school closures proposed by NYC Dept. of Education within District 17.  Come out and support your school against school cuts & closures.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PTA Meeting

Hello parents,

Our next PTA meeting will be on October 24th at 6pm in the school auditorium. Please come out and support!!!  Please parents dont forget your family donation of $5.00 or more, receipts will be made available. Thanks for your support. 
If you have any questions or comments you can email us at: ps161pta@gmail.com

See you there :)